Frank Feng Tianyi Acupuncture and chinese medicine Clinic 天宜针灸

April 12, 2011

十五年中医临床经验,治疗各种痛症,中风,消化不良,风湿,鼻敏感,肥胖症,糖尿病,抑郁症。Acupuncture is a natural treatment for weight loss, stroke recovery, indigestion, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, and depressions.

Loss weight

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice of placing fine, filiform needles into the body at specific points for therapeutic effect.

Around for more than 2,500 years, this relatively painless healing technique has become more and more popular in Canada over the past two decades, and is now recognized as a safe and effective treatment for everything from migraine pain to infertility, and is often used to help with weight loss and weight management.

An acupuncture, the body’s own natural resources are marshaled to encourage healing and wellness. Thin needles are used to pierce the skin at various points. This process is said to boost the production of the body’s natural pain-killers, and to speed recovery from illness. Some say that it may also be possible to lose weight through acupuncture. This approach has also been used to tackle a plethora of ailments, including bursitis, cerebral palsy, anxiety, poor eyesight and high blood pressure.

Use of Acupuncture for Pain

Acupuncture, among the oldest healing practices in the world, is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture practitioners stimulate specific points on the body—most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, this regulates the flow of qi (vital energy) along pathways known as meridians.

According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, which included a comprehensive survey of CAM use by Americans, 1.4 percent of respondents (an estimated 3.1 million Americans) said they had used acupuncture in the past year. A special analysis of acupuncture data from an earlier NHIS found that pain or musculoskeletal complaints accounted for 7 of the top 10 conditions for which people use acupuncture. Back pain was the most common, followed by joint pain, neck pain, severe headache/migraine, and recurring pain.

Acupuncture near Richmond, and Vancouver

March 15, 2011

Clinic Address:#118-4940 No.3 Road, Richmond, BC

Cell: 778-990-0217

Frank Feng

Acupuncture, Massage, Chinese medicine, Chinese medical care, weight loss programs, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Massage Therapy

Speaks Mandarin and English.

CALL NOW! 778-990-0217